Grace is Blocked


Grace is Blocked


Grace is blocked.

I hate myself,

I hate how I act,

I hate how I feel.

Oh well, only I am rocked,

The only one hurt is myself.

But is that true or does it lack?

Am I truly the only one hurt in this self-loathing deal?

“Ouch,” says the one who sacrificed all.

“Ouch says those I have judges and not forgiven at all.

Grace is blocked.

And if there is no grace for me,

Then how can I have grace for you?

And how can I say Jesus saves,

When I deny His saving grace?

Jesus unblock grace in me.

Let me live in love instead of hate.

It was never just my hurt I embraced.

Forgive me Jesus I rejected your sacrifice,

I judged out of a graceless heart.

Let grace flow clear

To me and to each one of you,

For without this hate it is much easier to love.

Without condemnation, it is much easier to have grace.

For me in my imperfections,

And you in yours.

In all of this may His love run true,

Uniting us,

both me and you.


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